Organ Donor Murals and Organ Character Wall Stickers for the Lister Hospital, Hertfordshire UK (2017)
We have had an amazing experience creating the artworks for the ‘Organ Donor Register‘ murals and wall stickers for the public lift areas.
The purpose of the murals and wall stickers is to encourage and inspire people to sign up to the ‘Organ Donor Register’ and to get people talking about organ donation and living donation. We wanted to dispel any myths people may have had about who can be an organ donor, to show that people from all walks of life, ages and nationalities are all desperately needed to help save lives. Also to inform people how they can go about signing up.
We were inspired by all the people we met during the project, taking thoughts and ideas from all the different hospital staff involved through to the patients experience committee and organ donor families and kidney patients committees.
We used bright patterns and colours and took ideas from different cultures to use in our designs to create multicultural and inclusive illustrations. Our hope is that people will see themselves in the characters we have created and be inspired to sign up and share their choice with their families to help save more lives in the future. (Read more about ‘New Lister organ donor murals hope to raise awareness of organ donation’)